Research Guidelines for Authors

Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to send their papers via email for publication in this Research Journal. Please ensure that the paper you send is authentic and relates to Ayurvedic Medical Science.

Author Guidelines – for submission of manuscript:

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts in the following prescribed format. Do not provide manuscript in PDF format.


Authors are asked to write their manuscripts in easily readable style either in English . Ayurvedic terms and other Latin terms must be in italic and its equivalent English terminology should be mentioned in first instance in a bracket, for example: UrdhwagaAmlapitta (Non ulcer dyspepsia). Spelling and phraseology should conform to Standard English usage and should be consistent throughout the paper.

FORMAT OF PAPERS Original Articles should include:

  1. Title page (excluding acknowledgements)
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Conflict of Interest
  9. References
  10. Tables
  11. Figures

Title page: The title page should bear the title of the paper, the full names of all the authors, highest academic degree obtained, and their affiliations, together with the name, full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence and offprint requests are to be sent (This information is also asked for on the electronic submission form). The title should be as brief as possible, convey the essential message of the paper, informative, of 150 characters or less and should not make a statement or conclusion.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words. The Introduction should assume that the reader is knowledgeable in the field and should therefore be as brief as possible but can include a short historical review where ever desirable.

Materials and Methods: This section should contain sufficient detail, so that all experimental procedures can be reproduced, and include references. Methods, however, that have been published in detail elsewhere should not be described in detail.

Results and Discussion: The discussion should focus on the interpretation and the significance of the findings with concise objective comments that describe their relation to other work in the area. The final paragraph should highlight the main conclusion(s), and provide some indication of the direction future research should take.

Acknowledgements: These should be brief, and should include sources of support including sponsorship (e.g. university, charity, commercial organization) and sources of material (e.g. novel drugs) not available commercially.

Conflict of interest: Authors must declare whether or not there is any competing financial interest in relation to the work described. This information must be included at this stage and will be published as part of the paper. Conflict of interest should also be noted on the supplementary covering letter and as part of the submission process.

References: Only papers directly related to the article should be cited. Exhaustive lists should be avoided. References should follow the Vancouver format. Papers in press and papers already submitted for publication may be included in the list of references but no citation is required for work that is not yet submitted for publication.

Tables: Authors should ensure that the data in the tables are consistent with those cited in the relevant places in the text, totals add up correctly, and percentages have been calculated correctly. Figures: Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered and cited in the text. It should be brief, specific Figures should not be embedded within the text. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner and submit it with the manuscript. This follows for quotes, illustrations and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be cited in the figure caption or table footnote.

Plagiarism Policy: The journal is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form.